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Recycling 101


We have a source separated recycling program at Auburn University. There are separate bins for recycling mixed paper and recycling mixed containers (plastic bottles, aluminum cans, steel cans), along with dumpsters for recycling cardboard. There are options to dispose of other special wastes.

After you put your paper, cardboard, plastic bottles, aluminum cans and steel cans into the appropriate recycling bin, it is collected, sent to recycling facilities then on to manufacturers where new products are created from recycled goods. When you purchase products made from recycled materials you are “closing the loop”.

Campus Recycling Bins

Here are the different types or recycling receptacles used on campus:

For Individuals:

blue mixed paper recycling bin for desk

Deskside Recycling
Mixed paper only

2 tall blue recycling binds

Community Recycling
Mixed Paper, Plastic/Aluminum/Steel, Cardboard

waste and recycling bin with 4 sections

Cabinet Recycling
(L to R) Landfill, Mixed Paper, Plastic/Aluminum/Steel

For Custodial Staff:

Custodians service building waste and recycling.

Round blue recycling bin and grey round waste bin

Custodial Staff collect recyclables alongside trash

Custodial Staff place sorted recyclables in 95-gallon roll-carts located outside the building

front loader recycling for cardboard

Custodial Staff flatten and recycle cardboard in the designated dumpster

Office Recycling Guide

Office cleanouts are a great way to de-clutter by recycling or properly disposing of unwanted office materials.  Download our Office Cleanout Guide below for more information.  For assistance with an office cleanout, please submit a service request here or call 334-844-HELP.

Recycling Ink & Toner

The Waste Reduction and Recycling Department works with Campus Mail Services to offer toner and ink cartridge recycling to university departments.

Please follow these steps to recycle your toner and ink cartridges:

  1. Toner & ink cartridge recycling bins are located throughout campus. Click here to see a list of buildings containing a bin designated for toner and ink cartridges only.
  2. Buildings that do not have a designated bin can easily recycle toner and ink cartridges through Mail Services. Please follow these instructions:
  • Place toner and ink cartridges in original box or packaging.
  • Write “Recycle” on the box.
  • Place box in campus mail.
  • Do not send more than 3 toner or ink cartridges through Mail Services a day.

Recycling Electronics

Faculty & Staff

To recycle university electronics:

Contact Surplus Property to recycle electronics with property tags and purchased with university funds, including but not limited to, computer monitors, laptop computers, copiers, printers, scanners, multi-function devices, console TVs, flat screen TVs.