The Human Resources department and a host of volunteers made the annual summer picnic a success. Check out a few event photos.
Food Prep Station
Scooter Herrmann (IT), Tracy Dixon (Maintenance), Jesse Teel (WRRD) and Wendy Peacock (PD&C) wrap hamburgers that are fresh off the grill.
FM Human Resources
The FM HR team of (Front) Loren Winn, Sara Newman, Jessica Johnson, Haley White, (Back) Karen Whitehead and Christy Bumpers.
Grill Team
The grill team: Matt Skinner (Heavy Construction), Chase Kilpatrick (Fabrication), Tyler Caldwell (PD&C) and Josh Conradson (PD&C).
Dunking Booth
From left: Phillip Thompson, Elijah Jenkins, Layne Black and Oshia Cason, all of Construction, and Mary Stuart and Laurie Hanson of PD&C set up the dunking booth.
Facilities DJ
Facilities’ official DJ Mark Pierce of Preventative Maintenance is set up and ready for the day’s festivities to begin.
Great Idea
Bruce Arnold’s (Maintenance) umbrella hat is a great idea for a summer picnic. Photo: Sara Newman
Raptor Center
Denise Roebuck of Financial Services didn’t pass up the opportunity to have her picture taken with Nova. Photo: Sara Newman
Baked Delights
Karen Whitehead of FM HR and Joan Hicken of WRRD manage the Facilities Picnic Bake Sale that raised more than $500.